Sunday, November 15, 2009

Question regarding Christians, Jews, and Muslims

A question has been submitted regarding Christians versus Jews versus Islamic faiths. It is true that all are descendants of Abraham. Actually, Jews and Muslims are blood kin of Abraham, Jews through the line of Isaac and Muslims (Arabs) through the line of Ishmael, Isaac's half-brother. The Old Testament (OT) teaches that Isaac was the chosen of God, and thus Jews are the chosen people of God. This does not mean that non-Jews in OT days could not find God; it just means that God chose the Jews to carry out His purpose. What was His purpose? To provide a plan of salvation down through time, a bloodline; note Genesis 12. That would ultimately bring a savior under a new covenant (note the genealogy of Matthew 1). In this age, it doesn't matter about Jew or Muslim, Jew or gentile, slave or free, man or woman (be sure to read Galatians 3:23-4:7). Everybody is an adopted relative of Abraham through Jesus Christ, if he follows Jesus.

And I must conclude EMPHATICALLY, in the emphatic words of Jesus Himself, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). If one tries to get to God without Jesus, as the Jews do, or though Mohamed, like the Muslims do, the effort, however sincere, will be a LOST CAUSE. The New Testament is clear on this. Jesus is the only way! And there is no special provision for anyone else, Jew, Muslim, or any other who rejects Jesus as the Son of God, and who does not obey Him. This may seem narrow-minded to some, but God so loved us (John 3:16) that He sent His only son to die. That was a big gift and He means for us to appreciate it....... Hey, thanks for reading. And remember that I am happy to do private study on any of these topics. Just let me know. See you next week. m

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