Sunday, June 20, 2010

What God said most

Throughout the Bible, God said one thing more than any other when He was talking to His people. He repeated this one thing over and over. Perhaps I've mentioned it before, but if so I will repeat it because it seems so significant. He said, "I Am the Lord." And I would suspect that it was said rather impressively!

One particular time is in Malachi 3, I believe verse 6, where He said, "I Am the Lord; I do not change." That is not a lot of words, but it carries a lot of meaning and power. As the Bible progresses from beginning to end, God changes how He deals with man. In the earliest part of Genesis He dealt with individuals, heads of the family, speaking directly to these leaders. As time progressed, He gave the Law to the Jews. Then in the New Testament, He gave us Jesus and a new law through Him.

In all of this, God never changed. He has always been the same, even if He chose to deal with people in different ways. With so many other things changing constantly in our world, it is nice to know that God doesn't change. That is indicated in the words, "I Am the Lord." Not was, or will be, so much; just "Is." He always Is; constantly Faithful, True, Right, Good, Love." God does not change! Thanks for reading. May God's love be with you!

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