Saturday, July 17, 2010


This is a nice subject. We all know the value of inheritance. We have all seen the cases of people who received an inheritance or won the lottery, then proceeded to squander it all, and in many cases, have their lives completely ruined by all of the pressure. Still, we believe that we would be different, that we would be able to handle it. And given the opportunity, most of us would take the inheritance with glee. It is a natural thing, to want to be an heir.

Our Lord understands this desire to be an heir. But He goes much further with this. He knows that it isn't the goods of this world that really matter, or the little bit of time on this earth. Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:19, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." God knows and taught us what is important.

But our Lord did more than just teach us; He made us heirs of what is important. We became heirs by "adoption," Ephesians 1:5. And in Galatians 4, he is saying that we were at one time under bondage to this world, slaves; but in 4:7, he says, " are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ." If then we are followers of Christ, we become heirs of all that God has promised His children, including a beautiful life forever with Him in heaven. And for sure, being an heir of God beats being an heir of this world's goods.

So your rich uncle dies, and you go to the reading of the will, and you are wondering: did he leave me a lot of stuff, and was I good to him. Being an heir of God is kind of like this, too. Two things must happen: one is God's grace, and He wants us to be saved, gave us His Son and all the wonderful blessings to follow. The other is, we must have been true followers, not just lip service or left-over service. We know God has done His part. The rest is up to us (read Ephesians 4 and Galatians 4). Let's follow Him! Thanks for reading.

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