Monday, April 13, 2009

God said: "I AM"

I woke up recently at 3am with the thought that I needed to do a blog on Bible truth. Just the truth, no opinions, nothing shaded or interpreted, just basic Bible facts. Feel free to comment, but remember that opinions don't count. Here we are seeking the truth.

We should start with the most powerful thought in all the Bible. Of course, all thoughts in the Bible are powerful, but the most powerful thought of all is: GOD IS. In Exodus 3:14 Moses said to God: when I go to the people to lead them and they say "what is His name? what shall I say to them?" And God said to Moses "I AM who I am", then "I AM has sent you to them."

This is the meaning of God's name in Hebrew, YHWH (Yahweh or Jehovah). It is a form of the verb "to be", or "the present One." Always present! Over and over again God said "I AM the Lord". In Genesis 26:24 to Isaac "I am the God of your father Abraham."

GOD IS! Not God was.......not God will be......GOD IS! It is important to God that we first recognize and acknowledge His Supreme position. In our prayers, in our lives, in our life struggles..........GOD IS!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! GOD IS! Always has been, always will be. I know by personal experience that my heavenly Father loves me, cares for me, wants to bless me, and sent His Son to die for me.
    Praise God
