Sunday, December 30, 2012


The subject of blood is of critical importance throughout the Bible.  We see blood in the 10 plagues that God brought upon the Egyptians in convincing the Pharaoh to let the Israelite people leave Egypt, to be freed from slavery.  It would seem that this story is the greatest of all events in the Old Testament. 

The very first plague was where God turned river water into blood.  Of greater import is the final plague where God takes the life of each firstborn child in Egypt.  The only salvation from this plague was given to the Israelites: putting animal blood on the door facings of their homes.

The greatest example of blood significance is found with the blood of Jesus.  As Jesus was facing His impending death, He told His apostles that He would be killed, that they should always remember Him by taking of the Lord's supper, the communion, remembering the giving of His body and blood.  In Matthew 26:28, He said, "..this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."

Jesus was beaten with whips, scourged (whipped with strands of leather with metal tips), had a crown of thorns put on His head, bringing forth blood, had nails driven through His hands and feet, and even after death, had a spear driven through His side, bringing forth blood and water. 

The blood of Jesus is critical to the Christian as it represents the giving of His life for each of us.

Let us remember and give thanks.

And thanks again for reading.  Feel the love......

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