Monday, December 7, 2009


I recently saw a person's Facebook page where under "religion", she had written, "I will pray to God on my own time and in my own home." Now, that strikes me as an attitude problem. Perhaps we should seek what God wants, to look in His Word, the Bible, to determine His will. In John 4:23,24 Jesus says, "..the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." In the Old Testament, we see that God prescribed to His people how He wanted to be worshiped. In the New Testament in the book of Acts, all that changed, and we read where "..on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread..." We see Christians coming together to take of the Lord's Supper and to worship on Sunday. In Revelation chapters 4 & 5 we are given a vision into heaven where there is continual worship occurring around the throne, chapter 4 emphasizing the Father and 5 emphasizing Jesus.
We often put emphasis on trying to live for Him, to do right, to be what we should be. And, of course, that is of critical importance to us, to our being saved. But God wants more; He wants us to worship Him. It isn't all about Us; it is about Him. And He is the Lord, the Almighty, the Creator. He holds the key to our eternal future. Let's Worship Him!

1 comment:

  1. Steve said something last Wednesday in Bible study that you've said before -- and it kinda got my attention. Paraphrasing, the gist of the comment is that a lot of people who THINK they are saved are not.

    Could you give some Biblical insight as to what you and Steve are trying to say and address "how one really knows they are truly saved".

    I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul in the Apostles' Creed -- is this good enough (Billy Graham types say it is)? or does the Bible say there is more to it?

    Oh -- while we are at it -- please give Biblical comment as to whether "one can lose their salvation after being saved".
