Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? He is described in many places as the Son of David. We know that King David was a major figure of the Old Testament; the most noteworthy of the Old Testament Kings; the most powerful ruler, a man with weaknesses, but a "man after God's own heart."' So when Jesus was born, He was a disappointment to many, especially the Jews who wanted a King like David, powerful, ruling, dominant on this earth. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this earth." He was born in poverty, lived like a common man, or less, associated with common men, often "sinners" or the hated, like tax-collectors and such. Jesus just didn't fit the mold of the Messiah that the Jews were expecting. So He was rejected.

In the New Testament, when Jesus was selecting His apostles, in John 1:45, Phillip finds Nathaniel and says, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote--Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. After some convincing, Nathaniel says, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!"

In Matthew 16:13, Jesus asked His disciples saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" After some discussion, Peter says, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus points out that God the Father has revealed this to him, Peter.

And this is exactly what Jesus is. He is all these things and more; the great King, greater than David by far. And yet Jesus had no glory on this earth because people misunderstood Him to a large extent. His glory now, here on this earth, is through us. We must glorify Him in our lives and live for Him, just as He died for us. And one day we can share in His glory in heaven. Let's do it!


  1. Hi Mike --

    If we look at actions of people worldwide in the Jewish church, the Muslim Church, etc., and a "true" Christian Church -- what would you say is the TOP one or two things that people should say WOW! the actions of "true" believers in Christ make them so different in how they lead their lives here on earth -- to the point that a non believer would want to say, I want to be like them!

  2. As you already know, some Muslims, Mormons, and members of other religions that are contrary or beyond the Bible are wonderful people. Some act more "Christian" than Christians sometimes. What sets the true Christian apart in that case is that the Christian has TRUTH. The Muslim follows a false Bible. The Mormon does not believe the Bible is correct, thus a need for a later revelation. I understand your point, but TRUTH matters. Jesus said the only way to God is through Him--the only way. In the final judgment, and there will be one, we must have lived as a Christian, as we are taught in the Bible, as a follower of Christ, as a seeker of TRUTH. And that's not my opinion; it is what the Bible teaches us. Thanks for your comment.
