Sunday, June 9, 2013

Church Organization

I makes sense to have the church today be like the church of the Bible.  There are many logical challenges to this: customs have changed, 2000 years have passed, life is much different now, there are no apostles today.

Let's review the situation with the church in the Bible.  Much of what we see of the church is covered in the book of Acts, though the letters to follow give additional detail.  The first four books of the NT, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell about the life and death and resurrection of Jesus.  Acts then tells of the beginnings of the church.

Here are some basic facts:

Jesus had, and still has, all authority.  "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth."(Matt.28:18).

He left the apostles to teach all people and to establish the church.  (Matt.28:19)

The apostles could pass on the ability to do miracles.  (Acts 8:14)

Other Christians could do miracles but could not pass it on.  (Acts 8:16)

The apostles went about establishing churches and appointing elders in each church. (Acts 14:23)

Meanwhile, the Lord knew that the apostles and those blessed with spiritual gifts (ability to do miracles) would not live but so long.  He saw to it that the entire record would be written to provide eye witness accounts to those of us who would follow.  It began as writings that were circulated among the churches.  These writings provided teachings and continuity for the church after the apostles and others were gone.  Perfection followed when these writings were compiled into the Bible.

Today we only need to follow the Bible pattern.  We continue to have elders in the local churches to provide leadership and oversight there.  And the Bible provides all that we need:  "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy3:16)

Thanks for reading.  Have a great week!

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