Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Prophets Elijah and Elisha

There are many prophets in the Bible, both OT and NT.  The purpose of the prophets varied somewhat, but in all cases involved these people being spokespeople for God, carrying His wishes to the people.  Often it was with the goal of getting the people, God's people, to repent, to straighten out their lives, to get back to following Him.

Elijah is referenced enough in the NT to know that he is regarded as one of the greatest.  We read about both of these men, Elijah first, beginning in 1Kings 17 and running into 2Kings 13.  Interestingly, neither of these men wrote books or letters or anything that we can read.  And they are not recorded as saying great things to us.  Their work was to the people of their time; sometimes to kings, sometimes to the smallest of figures. 

There is the story of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, both evil, obtaining the next door property of Naboth.  They had him killed, then took his vineyard land.  "Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, 'Arise, go down  to meet Ahab king of Israel, who lives in Samaria.....You shall speak to him, saying, "Thus says the Lord, Have you murdered and also taken possession?" ' " (1Kings 21).  This was a tough job for Elijah to do, going to the king and condemning him.  Elijah takes on lots of tough assignments including performing many powerful miracles at the hand of the Lord.

In 2Kings 2, Elijah passes the torch to Elisha.  Just before Elijah's life ends in a most amazing way, Elijah asks Elisha what he can do for him.  "Elisha said, 'Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me."  This is what happened.  Elisha begins his ministry and works many powerful miracles in the name of the Lord.  These men were men of great faith and duty.  They set out to do exactly what God wanted them to do....and what was needed by the people.

We aren't Elijah or Elisha.  But we can follow their example and be the people that we need to be.  Thanks for reading again.  You are great.

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